Weekenergy 15/08 - 21/08
A lot is happening in these summer months. You are on an amazing ride. The energy that moves through you is one that will catapult you into in a whole new you.
At times when new desires move through you, on one hand you feel amazinggggg and on the other it scares the sh* t out of you. At moments like this you know you are aligned. It's just creating magic with the polarity of life.
This week feels like a confirmation of the Quantum Leap you are currently in. You can't take quantum leaps when your nervous system is packed full with old fears, patterns and blocked energy.
Let this week show you all. Let it all come up, so your body can release it. Know that this is the only thing that is happening. Step into the new reality where you:
- Make your alignment numero uno and nothing less.
- Don't settle in our desires and connect with them daily.
- Acknowledge pleasure, ease & joy as your basic needs like water and oxygen.
It's all available for you, my love. It's already waiting for you on the other side. You know it and it requires you to trust and leap into this journey.
This week is a combination of all; lots will be felt and will happen. Take the time to relax and enjoy to the fullest. Embody the trust in your desires and just breathe yourself in alignment. Your body and desires need you open. Open, open, open.
Let this be your mantra:
I trust myself with my heart wide open.
I trust myself to feel and be more wanted.
It's safe and I let it be easy. And so it is and so it is.
Desire my love.
And make this your best week yet!