Weekenergy 02/05 - 08/05

Welcome May. Welcome in your most fierce month of the year. Welcome in your Fierce Feminine. The month that will help you hold your power and feel your truth in your body.
We kick off with an empowering week. Your body is ready to let go of old, stagnant energy and $exual energy that was stuck in your body for too long.
No more holding back.
No more pleasing in your truth.
No more trying to be normal.
You don't have to make sense to anyone but you.
Invite yourself into the deeper embodiment of your truth.
Just don't do this with your heart closed off and your shield up. Use this week to anchor in your truth AND be your most authentic self; aka open your heart over and over again.
Just notice when old patterns let you put your walls up and shield your heart. Just notice and take lots of moments to journal, self-pleasure and tap into your wild. Feel your true self in nautre, practice with your yoni egg or let go of old imprinting with your dearmouring wand.
This week is for you love.
Invite yourself into a deeper embodiment of:
My busuiness works for me.
I am my messsage and my ideal clients always welcome my message.
I get more done in a day than others in a week.
You are worthy of it all.
Your most desired business and the most amazing and loving personal life.
This week is all aboutn AND/AND.
You get to have it all.
Let the Fierce Feminine welcome you home.