Touch of Hope Aura Spray

Touch of Hope Aura Spray
Touch of Hope Aura Spray, with moss agate, tiger eye, rock crystal and essential oils: frankincense, sage, hyssop, lotus, rose and our angel and believe blend.
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Touch of Hope Aura Spray, with moss agate, tiger eye, rock crystal and essential oils: frankincense, sage, hyssop, lotus, rose and our angel and believe blend. This Aura Spray does exactly what her name says: it instantly gives you the feeling of hope, relief and ease that you want to experience at that very moment.
In the second half of 2022 I went through a deep healing transmission myself. I have developed this spray to always be able to shift back into my body, the possibilities and especially the knowledge that life works for you in difficult moments; those moments your head wants to take over.
I also allowed this Aura Spray to grow with me for some time. The final blend carries the full vibration of this kind of transformation. Just so it can support at every point. Loving, very gentle and at the same time enormously powerful.
This Aura Spray:
- Is as mentioned tremendously, really tremendously loving AND powerful at the same time.
- She clears your energy field of lower energy and fears that tend to get you stuck in old patterns and stories that no longer contribute to you and your desires.
- It helps you to keep taking steps forward and be focused on the new energy. Especially in these more difficult "in between / transition energies".
This spray is not only for your own transmissions. It is also enormously helpful for your clients in your healing practice or coaching business. It gives easier insight into limiting beliefs, trauma and other energetic heaviness that is ready to be healed. With this you will give your clients the loving support to step into a higher level of self leadership.
This amazing spray is a true shamanic healer and is so helpful to transmute and alchemise all fear based mind, patterns and blocks into the light. This creates an overall feeling of peace and acceptance and creates the needed space to actually receive higher downloads and the true insights of your soul.
How to use: Spray into your aura and energetic field. Close your eyes and take a moment to absorb the different scents of the spray. This way your body can take over from your mind and you will immediately feel the calming and loving effects of this spray.
Use it as often as you like. Take it with you wherever you go. Our healing sprays are specially designed to support you on your Sexual Healing journey and empower you as an intuitive, wise woman in these modern times.
Moonwater: To activate your magic and help manifest with greater ease, joy and pleasure.
Moss agate: Helps to release fear and relax into your body again.
Tiger's Eye: Brings calmness, overview and your much-needed grounding.
Rock crystal: The Queen of clarity and purification.
Frankincense: Clears the space and brings overview.
Sage: For that extra clearing that, in moments, is so welcome.
Hyssop: Provides instant relief.
Lotus: Restores inspiration and promotes your creativity.
Rose: Brings peace and grace in the continuous opening of life. Life works for you!
Believe: Because there are always times when you desire to be supported in your faith.
Circle of Angels: You are just never alone in this magical time called life!
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